
How to use Geography Data Type in Excel

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Microsoft Excel has corking tools to aid y'all in getting important information easily without any research. You lot can go about any data in Excel directly with just some functions. The less-used data function on Excel is Geography data.

The geography data characteristic in Excel is a goldmine with a lot of information in a click away. You can get information of a location like its population, area, upper-case letter, language, timezone, etc. If yous refresh the data, the existing information will get replaced by the new data. Let's run into how we can use the Geography feature in Excel.

How to employ Geography Data Type in Excel

The steps to utilise Geography information blazon in Excel

  1. Fill the certificate with location names
  2. Select the locations
  3. Click on Information in the carte du jour/ribbon
  4. Select Geography
  5. Then click on the list icon higher up the selected text
  6. Select the data type you want to add

To use the Geography data characteristic, fill the sheet with the location names you need data of, and select them. Now, click on Data in the ribbon and select Geography.

Get geographical data in Excel

The geography data characteristic is at present enabled for the text yous have selected. Click on the list icon to come across the data types. Select the information type you lot want to fill in the canvas.

Geography Data Type in Excel

You lot can select whatever number of information types and they all will get added to the next row in the sheet.

If you want to refresh the data you have added to the document using the Geography feature, click on Refresh All in the ribbon.

Refresh Geography Data in Excel

This makes your data upward to date with the changes. If you lot want to refresh a single information, correct-click on it and select the Data type and click on Refresh.

Geography Data missing in Excel

If you are unable to Geography data feature in your Excel, yous must sign-in with Microsoft 365 subscription account.

If you are not a subscriber, you cannot get the feature. Too, your editing language must be English.

Now read: How to make a Bell Bend in Microsoft Excel.

Geography Data Types

Guru Mandadi is a tech enthusiast and a movie buff who loves writing almost computers and movies. He dreams of living a calendar month devoid of all tech and modernistic-day advancements in a woods.


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