
How to convert Handwriting to Text in OneNote

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OneNote appears as a quite simple awarding simply supplies its user'south powerful features that they manage to discover not instantly simply incrementally. For people who like writing notes on whatsoever affect-capable reckoner, OneNote emerges equally a one-cease solution. Information technology is by far the most used app on many Windows computers.

OneNote is a digital notebook for creating and storing all your notes. The application saves your notes automatically and makes them searchable, and so you have them when you need them. It also syncs the notes to OneNote apps on your other devices. Ane feature of this app, I particularly found very useful is converting handwriting to text.

Convert Handwriting to Text in OneNote

You lot tin utilise OneNote 2013 to handwrite notes instead of typing them. This is desirable when you tin can write faster than you can type, and it's keen for classroom lectures where the sound of typing abroad on a keyboard might be considered inappropriate. And then, here's how you exercise it!

Assuming you take OneNote 2013 app opened, create a new note folio. Tap the Draw tab on the ribbon and select the colour pens of your choice.

Convert Handwriting to Text in OneNote

And then, use your stylus to jot down some notes, something in the blank infinite of the page. Once y'all've finished the notation, tap the Type button to end it.

Now, the app volition begin converting anything it comes across as "text-similar" into text automatically. You tin can also drag a selection over that on the page, and tap "Ink to Text" push.

Link to text

If parts of your handwriting can't be recognized or converted correctly, printing and hold those texts, and choose Treat Selected Ink Every bit >Handwriting. Or simply tap the "Lasso Select" tool from the Draw tab of the ribbon.

More than Microsoft OneNote Tips and Tricks hither!

A post-graduate in Biotechnology, Hemant switched gears to writing virtually Microsoft technologies and has been a contributor to TheWindowsClub since then. When he is not working, you can usually find him out traveling to dissimilar places or indulging himself in binge-watching.


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